Sleep Problems

We get how important a good night's sleep plays in ensuring a productive day,, especially with all the stress people deal with these days. Our practitioner, armed with Chinese medicine master's degrees, has delved into extensive research, honing a specialisation in the application of herbal medicine and acupuncture to address the complex issue of insomnia.

Taking a holistic approach to client care, our practitioner conducts a thorough evaluation that encompasses nuanced aspects such as tongue and pulse diagnosis. This comprehensive examination allows our practitioner to discern distinct patterns within the realm of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Armed with these insights, our practitioner tailors a personalised herbal formula designed to target and alleviate the specific factors contributing to your insomnia. Moreover, our commitment to your overall well-being extends beyond herbal remedies.

Our practitioner is well-equipped to offer valuable dietary advice aimed at not only mitigating stress but also fostering an environment conducive to enhanced sleep quality. By integrating these multifaceted strategies, we aim to provide a comprehensive and effective solution to promote restful sleep and support your journey towards a more productive and balanced lifestyle.


Hay fever


IVF Support