Hands-on Techniques

  • Joint mobilisation

    A hands-on therapeutic approach, involves skillful manipulation of joints by our physiotherapist to enhance patient’s flexibility and range of motion. Imagine someone dealing with the nagging pain of tennis elbow or shoulder tendinopathy – joint mobilization steps in as a valuable ally, providing targeted relief and facilitating a smoother, more pain-free movement experience.

  • Soft tissue mobilisation

    This method involves the skilled manipulation of muscles and ligaments by our physiotherapist. Through physical stretching and targeted pressure application, this technique effectively disrupts tight muscle tissue. Picture it as a personalised tune-up for your body, where skilled hands work to unravel tightness, paving the way for a more fluid and comfortable movement experience.

  • Positional release therapy,

    Positional Release Therapy, also known as Strain-Counterstrain, is a hands-on technique where the therapist guides your body into specific comfortable positions for short intervals. This helps your muscles relax in a way that feels natural but may not happen naturally. It's a gentle and effective method for easing muscle tension.